Monday, September 11, 2006


I would like to say that, whatever I wrote in this blog will always stays in this blog. The reason I wrote somethings in this blog is because I felt uncomfortable discussing it with you in real life. Therefore, the content I wrote here are only for the eyes of some of my friends. Pardon me for being honest but if I want to tell you I will tell you straight in front of you. OK I'm being cruel here and I know that you care but it really doesn't concerns you.

If you feel hurt by what I wrote and you are angry with what I said I understand but don't expect me to apologise because I have done nothing wrong by telling the truth.

To me this blog is just like my diary. You must be wondering then..why did I give you the URL then?
well let's just say that, I'm stupid and up until now I still don't understand why did I give it to you.....

多么希望我会有这个胆子把这篇post 在我另一个blog。
若是以前的我, 或许你早已不是我的朋友了。